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Investment Ratings

Outperform (O) - Expected to outperform on a total return, risk-adjusted basis the broader U.S. equity market over the next 12 months.

Neutral (N) - Expected to perform in line with the broader U.S. equity market over the next 12 months.

Underperform (U) - Expected to underperform on a total return, risk-adjusted basis the broader U.S. equity market over the next 12 months.

Risk Ratings

L - Lower Risk – Higher-quality companies for investors seeking capital appreciation or income with an emphasis on safety.  Company characteristics may include: stable earnings, conservative balance sheets, and an established history of revenue and earnings.

A - Average Risk – Growth situations for investors seeking capital appreciation with an emphasis on safety. Company characteristics may include: moderate volatility, modest balance-sheet leverage, and stable patterns of revenue and earnings.

H - Higher Risk – Higher-growth situations appropriate for investors seeking capital appreciation with the acceptance of risk. Company characteristics may include: higher balance-sheet leverage, dynamic business environments, and higher levels of earnings and price volatility.

S - Speculative Risk – High growth situations appropriate only for investors willing to accept a high degree of volatility and risk. Company characteristics may include: unpredictable earnings, small capitalization, aggressive growth strategies, rapidly changing market dynamics, high leverage, extreme price volatility and unknown competitive challenges.

Valuation, Ratings and Risks

The recommendation and price target contained within this report are based on a time horizon of 12 months but there is no guarantee the objective will be achieved within the specified time horizon. Price targets are determined by a subjective review of fundamental and/or quantitative factors of the issuer, its industry, and the security type. A variety of methods may be used to determine the value of a security including, but not limited to, discounted cash flow, earnings multiples, peer group comparisons, and sum of the parts. Overall market risk, interest rate risk, and general economic risks impact all securities. Specific information regarding the price target and recommendation is provided in the text of our most recent research report.

Distribution of Investment Ratings

As of February 28, 2025, Baird U.S. Equity Research covered 727 companies, with 61% rated Outperform/Buy, 38% rated Neutral/Hold and 1% rated Underperform/Sell. Within these rating categories, 7% of Outperform/Buy-rated, and 4% of Neutral/Hold-rated companies have compensated Baird for investment banking services in the past 12 months and/or Baird managed or co-managed a public offering of securities for these companies in the past 12 months.

Analyst Compensation

Research analyst compensation is based on: (1) the correlation between the research analyst's recommendations and stock price performance; (2) ratings and direct feedback from our investing clients, our institutional and retail sales force (as applicable) and from independent rating services; (3) the research analyst's productivity, including the quality of such analyst's research and such analyst's contribution to the growth and development of our overall research effort; (4) compliance with all of Baird’s internal policies and procedures; and (5) other considerations, such as Baird’s assessment of the prevailing market rates for talent in the sector the research analyst covers, but excluding the analyst’s contributions to Baird’s investment banking services activities. This compensation criteria and actual compensation is reviewed and approved on an annual basis by Baird's Research Oversight Committee. Analyst compensation is derived from all revenue sources of the firm, including revenues from investment banking. Baird does not compensate research analysts based on specific investment banking transactions.

Analyst Certification

The research analyst primarily responsible for the preparation of this research report certifies that the views expressed in this research report and/or financial model accurately reflect such research analyst's personal views about the subject securities or issuers and that no part of his or her compensation was, is, or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendations or views contained in the research report.


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Other Disclosures

The information and rating included in this report represent the research analyst’s views based on a time horizon of 12 months, as described above, unless otherwise stated. In  some of our research reports, the subject company may be designated as a “Fresh Pick”, representing that, until the expiration date specified in the report or until the analyst removes such designation, certain news, events or catalysts could have a near or medium term impact on the market price of the security discussed in that report, which may be directionally opposite (i.e., bullish/bearish) to the analyst’s published, 12-month rating and/or price target contained in the report. The Fresh Pick designation is not a rating and has no impact on the analyst’s fundamental rating or price target as defined herein. Baird seeks to keep all our research current, but numerous factors such as rapid changes in market conditions, current events or regulations can impact our analyst’s ability to do so. Most of our reports are published at irregular intervals, at the sole discretion of the research analyst. The research analyst(s) named in this report may, at times and at the request of clients or their Baird representatives, provide particular investment perspectives or trading strategies based primarily on the analyst’s understanding of the individual client’s objectives. These perspectives or trading strategies generally are responsive to client inquiries and based on criteria the research analyst considers relevant to the client. As such, these perspectives and strategies may differ from the research analyst’s views contained in this report.

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Dividend Yield. As used in this report, the term “dividend yield” refers, on a percentage basis, to the historical distributions made by the issuer relative to its current market price. Such distributions are not guaranteed, may be modified at the issuer’s discretion, may exceed operating cash flow, subsidized by borrowed funds or include a return of investment principal.

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Please note that this report may provide views which differ from previous recommendations made by the same individual in respect of the same financial instrument or issuer in the last 12 months. Information and details regarding previous recommendations in relation to the financial instruments or issuer referred to in this report are available at