
Baird European Investment Banking recently held our annual M&A Pitch Competition at Baird’s Frankfurt office. Our team was pleased to welcome 17 students from ten different universities across Europe.

Throughout the course of the one-day event, students worked alongside Baird bankers to develop an M&A sell-side pitch including equity story and valuation. Subsequently, the pitches were presented in front of a senior banker jury acting for the shareholders of the target for sale. The day was concluded by announcing the winning team in an award ceremony, followed by a networking event with the broader Baird Frankfurt team. While introducing the assignment, an in-depth overview of Baird’s European Investment Banking platform, the Baird Difference and internship opportunities was given.


Our Frankfurt team is proud to host our Pitch Competition once again. This event has proven to be a valuable recruitment channel, yielding numerous Interns and Analysts. Seeing participants throughout an entire day gives us strong confidence in their technical capabilities and interpersonal skills. We look forward to staying connected.

- Thomas Fetzer, Head of DACH Investment Banking