Baird’s account fees and service charges are based on account type or service requested. This pricing information supersedes any prior pricing details and notices, and Baird reserves the right to change a fee upon notice. Other fees may apply. Please note that Baird's commission schedule is available upon request from your Baird Financial Advisor.


If you have additional questions, please contact your Baird Financial Advisor.

Fees and Service Charges

Annual Fees - Households with <$100K in Total Assets with Baird

Note: View additional information on the Disclosures tab.

The following fees apply to households with < $100K in total assets with Baird:
Individual Retirement Account (IRA)12
First IRA per Household $60
Each Additional IRA per Household $50
Coverdell Education Savings Account $25
Cash Management Standard $150
Account Service Fee3 $150